
Everything You Need To Know About Video Production

Introduction to Video Production

There are many different types of video production, each with its own unique benefit, but all go through a three stage proces
You have likely heard the term video production before and perhaps are looking to venture into helping your company create their own video. Whether it be a corporate video, viral marketing video, social media video or a product review video, all these types of video productions can be powerful tools to best represent and market your brand through the most engaging format – video. So, what is video production? And how does it differ from film production? Simply put, video production is the process of producing video content, much like filmmaking, except the major difference being that with video production the images are recorded digitally as opposed to on film stock (purist film directors still prefer shooting on film). Moreover, each video is created with a specific audience demographic in mind. No matter the type of video or scale of the project you’re looking to get involved with, the process of producing videos always involves three main stages.
These important phases of production are: pre-production, production (also known as principal photography), and post-production. The purpose of these videos is to communicate your company’s message and ethos in a fun and captivating way while reinforcing your brand image and creating brand awareness. Let’s take a look at the three stages of production and start with the initial phase of pre-production.

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Pre - Production

Video Production Company Filma Pre-Production
Pre-production is exactly what it sounds like, which is all the planning that has to happen before the production process can begin, essentially making it an overview map. This map contains every milestone, every important date and logistical concern for the filming process showing all the necessary steps. Such steps will include:
Shooting schedule
The shooting schedule is an overview of all shooting days and clarifies which scene is shot at which time. It also gives us information on locations, interior and exterior shooting, which actors are required at what times, making it the most important planning tool for changes in schedule during the shoot.
The shotlist is kept with the director, assistant director, production manager and cameraman and lists all of the shots per scene. Professional films differentiate between A-Shot, B-Shot and C-Shot and these make it clear on set which shots are cancelled without having to discuss to keep the schedule in case of any delays.
Daily schedule (or call sheet)
The daily schedule / call sheet details the shooting day determining how much time is available for scenes, while showing us how many scenes there are per day of shooting. Lunch, breaks, parking spaces, the weather forecast and contact numbers of the people responsible for the shooting and the locations are all included in the daily schedule.
The storyboard is a visual depiction of shot lists and is a planning tool that helps directors, cinematographers as well as the clients visualize the scenes beforehand the while also used to find possible problems before they happen. Storyboards show where the camera is positioned, as in close or far away and it also helps to convey what the characters are doing.
Crew Preparation
Production companies need to establish the leading crew positions who have the most important roles for when shooting begins. These positions will include the director (the creative head of the project), the producer who prepares and supervises the project from start to finish, the production manager who deals with the practical details of the production, as well as the sound and camera directors.
Casting is an important process that requires choosing and managing the talent for your video. The client might select professional actors/models or internal talent depending on the video, each offering their own benefits. Ultimately, the client chooses who they want to be in their video.
Once the video concept is established, the writer has to do research necessary to come up with the idea of the script so that the production team can determine and organize potential shooting locations. This will include discussing with the clients and reading up on the company’s history to get a better understanding of what they want to convey.
The idea the clients want to get across is what we call the concept. This is an important part of each project that needs to be established early on in the planning stages of production. If the clients are uncertain of what the concept should be, then the producers and writers will need to communicate with the clients in order to determine what the concept is before starting on the script.
Once research has been conducted, the writer will start work on the script for shooting, which becomes the foundation of the production. The script gives both the client and the production crew a basic feel and understanding of the video’s tone.
The final step of pre-production is when the producer sets everything in motion. Once the storyboard is completed, and the clients and production team are satisfied they then use the information from the script and storyboard to secure permits, set up shoots and contact the cast and crew in order to book shooting dates and times.

Production / Shooting

1 minute of video may include shots from multiple sets and locations
The production phase is when actual filming takes place, also known as principal photography or shooting. All the segments shot during this phase by the director, camera and sound crew will get collected to be edited and put together in the final production phase. The duration of the shoot depends on many factors, and can take as short as half a day, or as long as a few days to weeks to complete. Major film studios plan for months of shooting meanwhile corporate and commercial shoots are generally much shorter in the days to week range at most.The scale of production can vary greatly and is determined by the size of the crew and not the production locations or the content matter captured. For example, there have been feature films that used a crew of only 2 people, while some corporate videos have shot using teams of 10 or more. The production phase is the pulse of the craft and everything that takes place before and after is to facilitate the production stage.

Types of Shooting / Camera Filming Techniques

The same shooting styles that are used in filmmaking can also be used in video production and there is no singular type of style for every kind of video content captured. Rather, style changes depend on the type of video being created, and affect the ideal tone and message of the video.
  • Drones which have become more and more affordable to filmmakers  are used to capture aerial shots with techniques like the reveal shot often introducing or ending scenes
  • 360 degree video shots are new immersive shots which capture the view in every direction at the same time using an omni-directional camera or multiple cameras
  • Tripods for stable shots, which is also known as a locked down shot
  • Hand-held for a more lively and jittery feel – mostly used used to capture natural movements
  • Whip pan and Whip zoom (refer to Driver fight from Kill Bill Vol. 2) often used for transitions between scenes
  • Vertical motion shots with a jib or crane often at the start or the end of movies.
  • Steadicam which is used for smoother movements and tracking shots at much slower speeds like moving through rooms or following the actors and the action.
  • Camera dolly, is a wheeled cart used in filmmaking and also commonly in television and other types of commercial productions to create smooth horizontal camera movements. (The cameraman operates the camera mounted on the dolly with a camera assistant maneuvering the lever to push the dolly back and forth)
  • Post-Production

    Filma editors during the post production phase cutting and editing
    The final stage of production is called post-production, which involves collecting the shots from the production stage and editing, mixing sound and possibly adding animation to produce the final video. This process can potentially be the most time consuming. It also depends on the response time of the clients, which is necessary after the first edit to get feedback from them. After the first edit and once the clients have given their feedback, the editor(s) can begin work on the second cut. It is often said that video and films are made in the editing rooms, despite it often going unnoticed by the audience. Editing is one of the most important components of an outstanding video production. It’s in the cutting room where the narrative is brought to life and the story’s emotions can be felt. During the second edit, after having received feedback from the clients, the production team can then revise the edits to more closely fit the clients expectations and views.
    This is where animation and graphics are added and then once the second edit has been completed, it will be sent to the clients for further review. After clients give more notes, the editors then work towards the final edit which results in a ‘picture lock’. Once that is finished, more components like sound mixing, color grading and lighting are finalized and sent to the clients in high resolution, ready to be distributed. Keep reading to learn more about the different types of video productions.

    Types of Video Production

    There are an extensive and wide range of options when it comes to video production. Each has their own specific targets and measurements for success. We’ll take a look at the most important types of video productions that can benefit a company’s brand and how they can grow as a business using these as tools to expand their awareness.
    Corporate Videos
    Corporate video production is any type of non-advertisement based video content that’s commissioned by and created for the company. This type of video is aimed at the company’s core selling demographics / internal employees. For example, recruitment videos are a type of corporate video that sells the company as an ideal workplace for the right candidates. Other examples include:
    • Corporate overview videos 
    • Staff training and safety videos
    • Event videos
    • Shareholder videos 
    • Testimonial videos
    • Branding videos
    • Staff training videos
    • CEO profiles
    • Brand videos
    Companies become more reliant on videos as an integral part of their communication strategy and corporate videos are a huge part of that
    Brand videos are a useful tool and often have very little if any call to actions. They’re used to invoke deeper emotions and feelings (think Nike commercials or Apple videos). Branding Videos aren’t intended to promote the product. They’re meant to represent the brand’s ideals as well as the feelings that they want associated with their product. Video content has become a major ranking factor for the purpose of search engine optimization on web search engines such as Google, Yahoo and Bing. This has resulted in more companies opting to invest in corporate video content for their websites.

    Commercial/Promotional Videos

    Promotional or commercial videos are absolutely crucial for every business wanting to build brand awareness and increase their sales. Commercial video productions are usually short videos that briefly describe your product, or services. The intention is to inspire a call to action from your audience and to develop brand loyalty all the while distributing to a bigger audience through targeted advertising campaigns. 

    • TV Broadcast Commercial
    • Topical Videos
    • Viral Marketing Ad Campaigns
    • Youtube Videos
    • Social Media Videos
    • Performance Videos
    • Internet Commercial Videos
    • Product promotional Videos
    • Comparison Videos

    With rapid online and social media development, commercial videos are being distributed heavily through various social media and video sharing platforms such as Facebook, Instagram and Youtube. Commercial videos  have evolved to become more cinematic in approach.To truly understand your goals, purposes and target audience, you’ll need to take added care and consideration during the pre-production phase so as to best ensure your videos exude quality and succinctly deliver your message.


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