Video Production Company Atlanta
Businesses work with us to create videos, films, commercials and more. Contact us for a free quotation.
Check out our Showreel
Serving small and medium sized business, and large corporations, we create videos for all sizes! Our videos highlight your brand’s vision, key message, and help you reach your target audience.
Filma, the Atlanta–Sandy Springs–Alpharetta area’s most experienced video production company, has produced videos for medium and small businesses as well as globally recognized brands such as Google, Apple, Hennessy, Kayak, National Geographic and GoPro to name a few. Our videographers / filmmakers have decades of experience filming corporate videos, industrials, and commercials in the Atlanta metropolitan area. We know how much The Big Peach has to offer with a range of diverse locations where we provide full production support for all types of videos. Make a video and blow your competitors away.
What type of video are you looking to create?
These are the types of effective videos we produce in Atlanta:
- Branding videos
– These are marketing content videos that are sponsored or created by a brand that share the brand’s values and does not directly advertise or promote the brand
- Recruitment Videos
– These communicate who you are, and what your company stands for so that potential employees can discover the look and feel of your company in a short space of time.
- Event videos
– Event Videos can range from corporate sponsored events to large trade shows and annual events or even music festivals.
- Customer testimonial videos
– These feature your customers talking about their experience with your company, the product or service
- Case Studies
– These are about real customer success stories and case studies present the problem and then how your company provided solutions.
- TV Commercials
– TVC ‘s advertise your company, service, or product and are produced for television.
- Brand Awareness Videos
– The commercial videos that can be made for Television (TVC’s), YouTube and various social media platforms about your business’s vision, mission, or products and services.
- Viral Marketing Ad Campaigns
– Viral marketing iare promotional videos that rely on an audience to generate the message of a product or service and is considered “viral” when it’s being shared by the large amount of the public.
- Product Review Videos
– A product video effectively highlights the benefits of a product or service.
- Tabletop Videos
– Tabletop videos that we use for commercials especially with food products on a a tabletop and make make use of simple sets.
Filma shoots videos using the latest in video camera equipment and we provide complete video production services and support, from pre-production planning through to content distribution for all types of videos in the Dogwood City. Creating outstanding videos for brands and businesses is not just what we’re good at, it’s what drives us.
Our production crews cover the entire area from Atlanta and Sandy Springs to Alpharetta.
Our A-Town filmmakers and videographers deliver the highest quality videos using 360 video production, animation, drone & aerial videos, motion graphics, AR (Augmented Reality), VR (Virtual Reality), and all types of shooting and post-production techniques that we specify to fit your video’s needs.
Still have questions?
We are always available to talk and we understand that each video project is unique. If you have more questions about your video, please feel free to contact us by filling the form below. One of our video producers will be in touch with you very soon.
Fill out the form to speak to a producer.